Language Proficiency Training
Full PTE / IELTS Courses
Why it's Important
- It's quite simple. Almost all universities across the world require candidates to demonstrate their English proficiency. PTE and IELTS are two of the most popular English proficiency exams accepted all over the world. These exams facilitate university applications and preparing for them helps polish a student's english communication skills.
Our Service / Contribution
- We provdide full, comprehensive PTE / IELTS courses taught by experienced instructors at our Dhaka and Chattogram branches. The courses cover every topic, along with all the tips, tricks, and best practices to excel in the exams. The courses are taught by instructors who have helped thousands of students achieve their desired scores. PTE and IELTS courses are completely FREE with our Study Abroad program.
Complete Lab Services
Why it's Important
Practice makes perfect. We've all heard this saying, and at EdVerse Global, we've taken this trope straight to heart.
Practicing for the exams in environments that mimic the actual test centers as much as possible is crucial. It accustoms students to the devices, equipment and accessories they will deal with on the actual exam day. This way, nothing will come as a surprise to our students on the day of the exam. After all, they have the exam to worry about!
Our Service / Contribution
- We have fully-equipped PTE labs that our sudents have full access to. The devices and equipment are nearly identical to the ones found in the actual test centers and our instructors are always available to provide instant feedback when our students practice.
One-on-One Sessions
Why it's Important
- Sometimes, a little personal touch is what's needed. Everybody's background, schedule and learning habits are different. We don't fight these factors, we work around them. Students may be uncomfortable sharing their struggles with the exams in the public setting of a classroom. A provision for personalized guidance, therefore, can be a huge relief to certain learners.
Our Service / Contribution
- All of our students have access to personalized sessions. Our instructors will diagnose and resolve their issues on a case-by-case basis.
Mocks and Mock Reviews
Why it's Important
- It is not enough to study and practice. Giving practice and mock exams help students track their progress, pinpoint the areas they need to focus on, and help them assess their preparation.
Our Service / Contribution
- At EdVerse Global, students always have the option of giving mock exams and having those mock exams meticulously reviewed. In fact, giving mock exams is actively promoted. Our instructors review and grade the exams, before making recommendations on how to improve their performance. If our instructors believe the student is ready to sit for the exam, they will inform the students of this fact.
Basic English Training
Why it's Important
- Not everybody's english communication ability will be at the same level. That's only natural. If someone feels like they need to brush up on the basics of the English language [e.g. grammar], they should unreservedly do so before grappling with the actual PTE / IELTS exam preparation. Otherwise, the exams may be too difficult for them.
Our Service / Contribution
- We have regular 'Basic English Training' sessions that any of our students can attend. Before being enrolled in a PTE / IELTS course, our instructors sometimes assess students' language abilities and give suggestions on whether they need to go through basic english training.
PTE Practice Portal
Why it's Important
Again, practice makes perfect (or at least close to perfect, because we know nothing is perfect!).
Practicing on an accurate practice portal, especially for question types that aren't objective in nature like speaking and listening questions is absolutely essential. It helps them understand the types of questions they will encounter on the exams. Repeated practice is the only way to master these questions.
Our Service / Contribution
- We give our students access to what we believe is the best PTE practice portal out there in the market - Alfa PTE. There are virtually unlimited practice questions in their question bank. The software provides instant feedback and keeps track of a student's progress.
Language / Speaking Club
Why it's Important
Here in Bangladesh, the native tongue is not English. It is Bengali.
It is entirely intuitive to presume that many students may need help polishing their speaking skills. It is important to develop the skills and confidence needed to converse seamlessly. The best way to do so is to actually converse with others in various settings and on different topics.
Our Service / Contribution
EdVerse Global's Language / Speaking club provides our students with a platform to practice their speaking skills in a natural way. They get the chance to speak to their peers and our experts, get feedback and improve their speaking confidence.
They are encouraged to speak on-one-on, in groups and to an audience. Our instructors are always there to guide them and give them tips to improve their verbal communication skills.